


Carretera Puerto Peñasco al Golfo de Santa Clara Km 4, 83550, Puerto Peñasco, Sonora
Email: reservations@lagunashoresresort.com

Phone MX: 638 383 0210

Phone USA: 1 800 513 1426


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COVID-19 Measures for Tourism in Puerto Peñasco

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Covid19 - Sanitizing

COVID-19 Measures for Tourism in Puerto Peñasco

Hola neighbors and friends!

We hope that you are doing well and we’d like to let you know that from our part at Laguna Shores Resort we have been working very hard to have you back. Always taking care of you, looking forward to you to have a great time, and feel protected. the intention is that we take care of ourselves and at the same time enjoy the resort and our beautiful port.


Preventive measures at Laguna Shores Resort:

  • Pools operating at 40% of capacity
  • Restaurant operating at 40% of its capacity and with a schedule of 8 AM to 9 PM
  • Beach open for walking in the sand but closed for bathing (Until August 1st tentatively)
  • Disinfection and Sanitization of condominiums before and after use with a fog machine
  • Mandatory use of facemask in public areas (Except when bathing in pools)
  • Maintain a distance of at least 1.5M from other people
  • Avoid shaking hands/kissing other people
  • Wash your hands with soap and water regularly
  • Disinfect with anti-bacterial gel
  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with the inside corner of your arm
  • Avoid getting your hands in your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Disinfecting frequently used objects

Below we explain the procedures to pass through the sanitizing filter to enter into Rocky Point:

  • All guests must be registered with their full names. The registration is with the person who made your reservation, either with the owner’s service or the marketing team.
  • Before arriving at Puerto Peñasco by the Sonoyta highway (federal highway 8) where is the only entrance to the city, you will find the access point.
  • Everyone must present their valid identification and reservation letter.
  • Staff from the convention office of Puerto Peñasco will request identification and will check that you are authorized by the resort to entering the city.
  • Navy and National Guard personnel will take the vehicle’s data.
  • The temperature of the passengers will be taken, if they all have a body temperature lower than 37.5 degrees, they will be allowed access.
  • If any passenger presents a higher temperature, a second test will be done with a digital thermometer.
  • If they present a higher temperature, they will be invited to take a quick Covid-19 test, which gives a result in 15 minutes.
  • If the passenger does not accept, all passengers will be denied access to the city. If they accept to take the test, depending on the result they are allowed access.

When entering the city the following points should be taken into account

40% CAPACITY IN RESTAURANTS, following the sanitary and hygienic protocols of Covid-19. Advice: make a reservation in advance.

AT 10:00 PM IT’S STAYING TIME: At this time of day, all inhabitants must be in their homes and hotels.
Tip: equip yourself in advance with everything you need to be comfortable at your condo.

BARS AND NIGHTCLUBS: are not open at the moment.
Tip: you can have your favorite drink in the comfort of your condo. Please note that the sale of alcohol ends at 6 pm.

JET SKIS AND KAYAKS: are not allowed to be used as there is no access to the sea.
Tip: book a guided kayak tour to San Jorge Island for your next visit.

ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES, ATV’S AND RZR: use is limited to one person per ATV and a maximum of two people per RZR vehicle. All with appropriate safety measures.

ACCESS TO THE SEA: is forbidden, only the use and enjoyment of the federal areas granted to each work center (beach, sand) is allowed.
Tip: Enjoy the beach always taking the distance from others.

DISTANCE of 1.5 meters: must be taken with other all times. It is also mandatory for everybody the use of face masks in public places.

COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS: are only allowing access to one person per group and it is recommended not to travel with children under 12 and seniors over 65.

All this information was taken from the Puerto Peñasco Town Hall.
For our part any questions or doubts you may have please let us know by calling our phone lines:

From the United States: 1800-513-1426 Ext. 510 (service to owners) and 101 (new reservations)
From Mexico: 638-383-02-10 ext. 511 and 512 (service to owners) and 509 and 526 (new reservations)

We wish you a good trip, and hope to sea you soon!


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