Did you know Laguna Shores Resort has Paddleboards?
Did you know that Laguna Shores Resort has over 20 activities for you to do during your stay there? This month our activity of the month is paddleboard. Paddleboard is also known as “surfing for the lazy”
Paddleboarding has been around for thousands of years, in some islands lifeguards stand on wide boards to give themselves a view of swimmers in distress. But now it’s more popular because it’s more accessible to people, they paddle on the beach or rivers as a tourist activity, they also do yoga on the paddleboard and even fishing. Tour paddleboarding became a way for people to seek adventure and a deeper connection with nature.
Here in Laguna Shores Resort, we have paddleboards for you to enjoy during high tide and connect with nature, and at the same time see the resort in a different way. Try paddleboarding with us, just ask our front desk staff and they will help you.
Don’t miss this activity or any of the other activities that we have for you in Laguna Shores Resort to enjoy your vacation in the best way you can.