I would like a sun Milagro, please.
I don’t care if it’s sunny in Rocky Point 350 days a year. I want those extra days of glorious sunshine so I’m offering (attaching) a sun milagro to my saint. That will hopefully bring me a full year of sunshine in Rocky Point, Mexico. I may even have one specially made that says 85-degrees, por favor – that may be pushing my luck.
If you’re scratching your head, not to worry, I am talking about trinkets that come in all shapes and sizes – even as the sun. Milagro in Spanish means miracle, but it also refers to offerings in the shape of body parts, animals, fruits, vegetables, etc. that are made out of a variety of metals such as silver, gold, pewter, etc. and other mediums such as straw, bone, clay – whatever the petitioner has on hand. These (usually) small metal trinkets are attached, pinned, nailed, tied to, or placed on altars or placed by statues of the Virgen Mary or Jesus or other saints. Milagros have been used in Latin America for hundreds of years and Mexican culture dictates that when you offer a milagro to your favorite saint you are asking for a particular need or are thanking the saint for an answered prayer. An animal may be placed by a farmer asking for a healthy stock or in thanks for his petition being answered. Milagros can be used in different ways by whoever is offering the milagro. For example, a heart may be used to ask for the healing of a loved one’s failing heart or heart condition. It may also be used to say thanks for someone finding love. An arm may be used for healing the entire arm or a part of the arm, perhaps debilitating arthritis. The interpretation is in what the petitioner requests or is giving thanks for.
I have seen milagros on handmade crosses and nailed to wooden boxes, in the homes of my friends, and also sold in various stores in Rocky Point, Mexico. They are religious charms, but they are also used as decorative items and some carry them for protection and good luck. Even if you are not of the same faith, the milagros are still pretty neat and some are very intricate. While you’re out shopping in Rocky Point, look for these tiny little charms on their own, or attached to various items – they make great gifts – and asking for a little miracle or help never hurts. This is just a brief description of the meaning of the milagro so if you really want to get deeper I found a great website at http://www.collectorsguide.com
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